Biomedical Engineering - SCHOLARSHIPS 2020


University scholarships

Università Politecnica delle Marche (UNIVPM), in order to foster the access of international students, offers scholarships to foreign students enrolling in the Master's Degree in "Biomedical Engineering" - Academic year 2020/21. UNIVPM will apply a fee waiver policy for the scholarship holders selected through this Call. The scholarship application can be added even after the closing of pre-enrollement through the reserved area of the portal The Scholarship submission is finalized when the APPLICATION reports the status CHIUSO2.

The call for scholarships for academic year 2020/21 will be published on UNIVPM page -> LINK


Student Grants and Financial Assistance

Financial assistance and services are provided to Italian and international students alike by the ERSU, the Marche Regional Agency for University Studies.

The call for applications for ERSU grants will be published in July on ERSU website The application requires an Italian fiscal code, therefore international students will only be eligible to apply for these grants if they are physically present in Italy. The Biomedical Engineering Secretary office will provide help and/or orientation for those applicants who have the possibility to come to Italy at their own expense in order to forward their application for an ERSU grant.

Students with an Equivalent Wealth Situation Indicator, respectively ISPE ≤ €30.000 and ISEE ≤ €18500 can apply for these grants. The amount of the grant also varies according to the economic situation of the applicant. The maximum individual grant for international students is slightly less than € 5.000 euro, which includes services (food and accommodation in the ERSU residences) and an allowance which is payable in two instalments, the first in December and the second in June.

Please note that students with other scholarships can't obtain ERSU grants.