Ph.D School in Engineering Science AA 22/23

Didactic offer of the PhD School in Engineering Science for academic year 2022/23

The structured didactic courses are open to everyone interested, including professors and PhD students of the previous cycles. During their first year of doctorate, PhD students are required to follow at least two courses chosen from those listed below (in agreement with their supervisor).The attendance will be checked by collecting signatures (by scanning a QR code) in the classroom and the PhD students are required to attend at least 75% of the course hours. The verification of the acquired knowledge will be carried out according to the procedures defined by each professor.

For organizational purposes, the students who are interested, in agreement with their supervisor, should contact the course professor through the registration to the Moodle web page of the course or in special cases through an e-mail.

The offered courses of the PhD school in Engineering Science are also open to PhD students coming from other universities. Since the credentials released from UNIVPM are necessary to enroll, internals will use their own credentials, while externals need to compile the module that can be found at appointing Prof. Nicola Paone as Structure Director and Davide Bevilacqua (PTA) as referent. The PhD student that fills out the module will receive an email with the credential to access web services necessary to access Moodle and to register the attendance.

Didactic offer




1Technology Transfer and InnovationDonato Iacobucci
2Design of research: European ProjectsNicola Paone
3Tools and methods for process representation and managementFerruccio Mandorli
4Project management techniquesFilippo Ciarapica
5Virtual instruments (LabView) for monitoring and management of industrial systemsMilena Martarelli
6Advanced virtual instruments (Labview - Matlab) for simulation and control of complex systemsDavid Scaradozzi
7Cultural landscapesAntonello Alici
8Mathematical programming and graph theoryFabrizio Marinelli
9Electron microscopy techniques and microanalysisPaolo Mengucci
10Discretization of differential equations for computational mechanicsAlessandra Nigro
11Water waves for the nearshore dynamicsMaurizio Brocchini
12Open Sourse scientific software: OctaveMarco Baldi
13How to Write a Scientific PaperGianluca Coccia
14Probability and statisticsRoberto Pierdicca
15Bifurcations' theoryStefano Lenci
16Numerical Heat Transfer for ApplicationsValerio D'Alessandro
17Escaping Complexity in Production and Management through Cybernetics 4.0Massimiliano Pirani
18Advances in Geomatics EngineeringEva Savina Malinverni
19Open Sourse scientific software: Latex Docenti di economia - Riccardo Lucchetti, + …….


Thematic courses (Attendance to these courses does not substitute compulsory attendance to at least two courses offered by the Doctoral School.)

Course "Architectural Engineering Research methods and tools", Prof. arco D'Orazio


Further didactic offer from the Doctoral Courses in engineering

In addition to the two mandatory courses, chosen from the PhD school, the students are invited to follow other courses and\or seminars. Courses and seminars can be also chosen from other PhD Schools or from the courses offered by Bachelor or Master degrees or from courses offered by external entities. Attendance to these courses does not substitute compulsory attendance to at least two courses offered by the Doctoral School. The didactic offer of UNIVPM can be found at: 


Visit the NEWS page for announcements


Foreign language courses

PhD students interested in improving their knowledge of foreign languages are invited to ask for info at the CSAL office, which offers free language courses, some of which are aimed at obtaining a certificate (C1, B1 and B2 levels). Check the news web page.


    Online course on Office365

    A series of courses on Office365 are available online. Access the Learn platform accessible at the following link: using your University credentials. After logging in, the courses can be reached following the path “CORSI DI DOTTORATO” – “A.A. 2022/2023” – “CORSI COMUNI DI ATENEO” – “APPLICATIVI OFFICE 365”.