Green Industrial Engineering - STUDY PROGRAMMES


This section illustrates the course syllabus, listing the names of the courses and the teaching semester. By clicking on the name of each course you will be able to see the educational objectives, the programme, the assessment methods, textbooks and suggested reading lists. You can also find information about the professors and their CVs.

The training path of each curriculum can be divided into two interconnected learning areas and it is organized as follows:

- the first year, common to both curricula, is entirely dedicated to in-depth study of basic technical training, with contributions from various cultural areas that contribute to integrating the culture and professional figure of the energy engineer. The group of related courses aims to broaden the interdisciplinary nature of the preparation of the energy engineer, offering contents in the fields of engineering, ICT and economics such as information technology and data analysis, cybersecurity , the circular economy, structural design. In these courses, transversal skills and knowledge of the most advanced design tools will be provided in parallel. In this group of teachings, therefore, particular attention is paid to the development of the ability to apply knowledge, and of 'soft skills', such as, for example, the ability to work in a group, autonomy of judgment and communication skills.

- the second year, specific for each curriculum, is aimed at training highly specialized professionals in the following areas:

* the specific training area of energy engineering in the field of sustainability of production processes (“Sustainable Manufacturing”) with in-depth studies on energy systems and energy efficiency in the industrial sector, on diagnostic and prognostic techniques, on the different types of maintenance in industrial systems, on the relationships and interconnections between energy-economy-environment, and on understanding the formation of energy demand, energy markets and price mechanisms;

* the specific training area of energy engineering in the field of energy system sustainability (“Sustainable Energy transition”) with insights into the field of energy systems design (especially renewable), thermo-fluid dynamic design of components and systems analysis, design, management and analysis of chemical and biochemical industrial processes and plants for the production of energy carriers from renewable sources.

The preparation of the students is concluded by an internship and a demanding thesis work, during which the student Master Engineer, under the guidance of a teacher, has to carry out a project or conduct a study on frontier topics of engineering, carrying out theoretical or numerical modeling and / or experimental activities in the laboratory or in the company.

The interdisciplinary engineering training achieved by the student at the end of his studies allows him to fit into any professional field in the vast area of energy engineering and to have the necessary preparation to possibly tackle the third level courses of the research doctorate.

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