Green Industrial Engineering - AIMS


The Master of Science course in Green Industrial Engineering is a interuniversity course developed by Marche Polytechnic University in cooperation with the University of Urbino “Carlo Bo”.

The aim of the Master of Science course in Green Industrial Engineering is to train professionals who are able to operate efficiently in all energy sectors, from universities and research centres, to utilities, energy service companies (ESCOs) Transmission systems operators (TSOs), Distribution Systems Operators (DSOs), oil&gas companies and industries, public administrations, municipal service companies for energy management to professional firms, engineering companies, , freelance activities as well as of course the continuation of the training course up to the achievement of the Research Doctorate.

The educational objectives of the master's degree course, which will be taught in English, are achieved through the definition of a study plan consisting of an initial unitary imprint, characterized by a set of compulsory courses, which is completed through a set of courses by choice, organized according to two coherent alternative curricula (“Sustainable Manufacturing” and “Sustainable Energy transition”), aimed at deepening specific technological, economic, environmental and methodological aspects.

The common teachings, which constitute the founding core of the training project, refer primarily to the area of energy generation, distribution and storage with particular attention to renewable sources and distributed generation systems, considering, in addition to the technological aspects, including economic and structural ones. A further pillar of the course is given by the maturation of skills in the field of how to manage energy efficiently in industrial and plant applications, considering that the systems (products, production systems and plants) of the future will be increasingly computerized and will be need to understand how to analyze data and make information safe and secure. These operating models and the resulting technologies can be applied in different fields, from plant engineering to production processes in industrial manufacturing sectors and will affect both infrastructures and capital goods. Finally, methodological expertise will be provided in order to evaluate both the eco-sustainability aspect of the solutions and the economic impact. The training project of the first is completed by a series of courses related to the ICT field, in particular to the management, processing and security of data in the energy sector and production processes.

Downstream of the common teachings, the training project provides the opportunity to take advantage of one of the two alternative paths that combine the energy engineering approach in a different way towards environmental, economic and social sustainability of the production processes of goods and towards plant infrastructures, with attention to renewable energies and their better exploitation. The training course of the Master's Degree in "Green Industrial Engineering", thanks to its multicurricular nature, offers an overall and multidisciplinary vision of the energy, economic and environmental issues related both to industrial production processes and to the development and construction of generation infrastructures, distribution, energy storage in its various forms, with particular attention to renewable energy plants and the issues of distributed generation.

The multidisciplinary nature is supported by the in-depth study of issues related to ICT, such as cyber security and data analysis, and energy and environmental policy issues. The internship, especially if carried out in the company, constitutes a precious opportunity for comparison with the future work environment. The skills acquired in this training course make the graduates in “Green Industrial Engineering” qualified to work professionally in the various sectors of energy and industrial engineering. Graduates in “Green Industrial Engineering” can therefore work as professionals in the industrial sector in general and in particular in the energy and electrical sector, assuming roles of a higher technical level and greater responsibility than three-year graduates. By virtue of the scientific culture and the versatility of technical preparation, the master's engineer in "Green Industrial Engineering" is at ease in any technical context, even far from his own specific cultural environment; this often allows him to assume coordination roles in fora in which specialists from other disciplines, including non-engineering ones, participate.

In particular, graduates in "Green Industrial Engineering" can tackle advanced design issues, even of considerable complexity and take care of the innovation and development of new products and new technological processes, such as:

  • the design of products and processes taking into consideration, in addition to purely technical aspects, the contextual energy, economic and environmental problems;
  • the design of energy processes, systems and plants in the context of the new challenges required by the energy transition with particular regard to the integration of renewable sources and energy storage (in its various forms), to distributed generation and to electricity grids ;
  • the implementation of energy management systems in companies that want to obtain ISO 50001 certification, as an energy management expert (EGE).

The job market for a Master's Energy Engineer is therefore very broad. In addition to manufacturing companies, in which he can play a leading role and aspire to the highest management levels, his field of action extends to service companies,

research centers, public administrations, municipal service companies for energy management to professional firms, engineering companies, energy service companies (SSE) and ESCo, freelance activities as well as of course the continuation of the training course up to the achievement of the Research Doctorate.