Didattica specifica del corso in Ingegneria Industriale (2021-22)


Courses hours



Advanced and collaborative robotics


Giacomo Palmieri

November 2022

How to effectively present your scientific data: Styles, rules and tips


Lorenzo Scalise

February 2022

Introduction to neural networks and statistical methods for selecting parameters


Mariano Pierantozzi

To be defined

How to write a scientific paper


Gianluca Coccia

January 2022

Renewable energy for sustainable development


Fabio Polonara

To be defined

Image analysis and inverse methods in engineering12Marco Sasso and Marco RossiTo be defined

An introductin to partial differential equations

14Teresa IserniaJanuary 2022
  • As far as the specific courses of the Doctorate are concerned, calendar and classrooms will be provided soon;
  • For telematic courses, Microsoft TEAMS will be used;
  • For any further information, please contact the teacher directly.


“An introduction to Partial Differential Equations”. Prof.ssa Teresa Isernia

  • Introduction: definitions and some examples of PDEs.
  • Laplace's equation: physical interpretation, the fundamental solution, Poisson's equation, properties of harmonic functions: mean-value formulas, strong maximum principle, uniqueness and regularity results.
  • Heat equation: physical interpretation, the fundamental solution, initial-value problem.


20 Gennaio 2022, ore 10.00-12.00, Aula Seminari del DIISM, Q. 155

24 Gennaio 2022, ore 10.00-12.00, Aula Seminari del DIISM, Q. 155

25 Gennaio 2022, ore 10.00-12.00, Aula Seminari del DIISM, Q. 155

31 Gennaio 2022, ore 10.00-12.00, Aula Seminari del DIISM, Q. 155

1 Febbraio 2022, ore 10.00-12.00, Aula Seminari del DIISM, Q. 155

7 Febbraio 2022, ore 10.00-12.00, Aula Seminari del DIISM, Q. 155

9 Febbraio 2022, ore 10.00-12.00, Aula Seminari del DIISM, Q. 155


Those of you interested to attend must send an email to Prof. Isernia (t.isernia@staff.univpm.it)



How to write a scientific paper. Prof. Gianluca Coccia


14 gennaio 2022 dalle 09:30 alle 12:30

21 gennaio 2022 dalle 09:30 alle 12:30

28 gennaio 2022 dalle 09:30 alle 12:30

4 febbraio 2022 dalle 09:30 alle 12:30

11 febbraio 2022 dalle 09:30 alle 12:30

18 febbraio 2022 dalle 09:30 alle 12:30

Il corso sarà erogato in presenza (modalità suggerita, Aula 160/3) ed online, via Teams, tramite il seguente link: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/team/19%3a50e4fc8ba64940c0a2fba95b428f4a27%40thread.tacv2/conversations?groupId=04383fad-cb7a-4080-9102-cc432d168b06&tenantId=117b418d-fb21-416f-a85f-1e9ff725bf2c


The final program of the course How to effectively present your scientific data: Styles, rules and tips held by Prof. Scalise is the following:


- Tuesday 22.02, 10.30-12.30

- Thursday 24.02, 10.30-12.30

- Friday 25.02, 10.30-12.30


Advanced and collaborative robotics - Prof. Giacomo Palmieri


15/11 in aula B+ dalle 10:30 alle 12:30

22/11 in aula B+ dalle 10:30 alle 12:30

29/11 in aula dalle B+ 10:30 alle 12:30

6/12 mattina visita in laboratorio i-LABS industry di Jesi